
Do We Live in a Simulation? Because I just Woke Up Outside of It

Do We Live in a Simulation? Because I just Woke Up Outside of It

Have you had a similar experience? I woke up outside the simulation, and I'd love to connect with others who have as well.

Currently, Elon Musk and others are investing millions of dollars to see if we can break through the simulation. It'd be great to connect with them to discuss advancing this effort. Please share this video widely and comment with your feedback.

To Be.

To Be.

Walking near my house, I become fully present. No past, no future. Just now. 

I become totally observant and astounded by everything--seeing myself as all things and everything: as the tree, as the car, as the condo, as the cloud, as the flower, as the pebble on the driveway beside the aluminum trash can. I am all of these things experiencing themselves through the space in consciousness known as Michael Sanders. 

The now. The moment. It's complete: nothing to want for. 

I'm mesmerized by an air conditioner protruding from a 10th story apartment . . .